Yesterday I recommended some summer reading for elementary-aged children. Today I have a summer challenge for youth—Wayne Grudem’s
Christian Beliefs: Twenty Basics Every Christian Should Know. Why do I recommend this book for summer reading for your youth (age 16 and above)? Here are a few reasons:
- It goes right to the core of Christianity by asking and answering the main questions. Questions like…
What Is the Bible?
What Is God like?
What Is man?
What Is sin?
Who Is Christ?
What Is the Atonement?
What Is Death?
What Is Heaven?
- It is relatively short (158 pages) and is written in an accessible style that most high school-aged students can grasp.
- Although some students might initially respond to the questions by saying, “I already know that!” Grudem provides even the more seasoned “theologian” something to think about and ponder.
- There are questions for review and personal application at the end of each chapter.
- It can serve to strengthen the faith and confidence of a true believer, but also challenge your children to carefully examine whether or not their faith is genuine—providing an opening for some honest spiritual discussions between parent and child.
With all the above to commend it to your young adults, it may require a little incentive to actually get them to read this over the summer months. As parents, we have a lot of means at our disposal to motivate our children. Consider reading it together, modeling structured study and discipleship. Maybe even plan a special event when the book is completed—going camping, fishing, or to a favorite sporting event.
Whatever the case, I highly recommend it. And it could also be the answer to “What should I give the high school graduate for a gift?” question that pops up this time of year.