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Proclaim the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ

Proclaim the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ

Truth78 Staff

What biblical truths are essential in order to understand the gospel? How and when should these be presented? How can we guide and implore children to respond in  genuine belief?

Proclaim the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ

Truth78 Staff

What biblical truths are essential in order to understand the gospel? How and when should these be presented? How can we guide and implore children to respond in  genuine belief?

Biblical Truth #6—God Designs All Suffering in a Christian’s Life to Work for our Good

Biblical Truth #6—God Designs All Suffering in ...

Jill Nelson

For a Christian, suffering is not simply enduring life in a fallen world. It is not simply toughing it out until Christ returns. Rather, it serves as a precious gift.

Biblical Truth #6—God Designs All Suffering in ...

Jill Nelson

For a Christian, suffering is not simply enduring life in a fallen world. It is not simply toughing it out until Christ returns. Rather, it serves as a precious gift.

Teach the breadth and depth of the whole counsel of God

Teach the breadth and depth of the whole counse...

Truth78 Staff

Imagine your children twenty years from now. Will they be thoroughly acquainted with the Scriptures? Will they have the necessary tools to properly study the Bible? Will they have a...

Teach the breadth and depth of the whole counse...

Truth78 Staff

Imagine your children twenty years from now. Will they be thoroughly acquainted with the Scriptures? Will they have the necessary tools to properly study the Bible? Will they have a...

Biblical Truth #5—God Is with His People in the Midst of Suffering

Biblical Truth #5—God Is with His People in the...

Jill Nelson

Our heavenly Father is not indifferent to the current suffering of His children. All suffering will serve to complete His perfect plans for us, and He will provide all that...

Biblical Truth #5—God Is with His People in the...

Jill Nelson

Our heavenly Father is not indifferent to the current suffering of His children. All suffering will serve to complete His perfect plans for us, and He will provide all that...

Foster a robust partnership between church and home

Foster a robust partnership between church and ...

Truth78 Staff

Who bears the responsibility for the discipleship of the next generation? What are parents called to do? What is the role of the church? What is the relationship between the...

Foster a robust partnership between church and ...

Truth78 Staff

Who bears the responsibility for the discipleship of the next generation? What are parents called to do? What is the role of the church? What is the relationship between the...

Biblical Truth #4—Disease, Disasters, and Calamities Point to Our Desperate Need for Jesus

Biblical Truth #4—Disease, Disasters, and Calam...

Jill Nelson

The world makes much of independence and self-sufficiency. Yet we are to our very core, by God’s good design, dependent and needy creatures. But we often don’t recognize the breadth...

Biblical Truth #4—Disease, Disasters, and Calam...

Jill Nelson

The world makes much of independence and self-sufficiency. Yet we are to our very core, by God’s good design, dependent and needy creatures. But we often don’t recognize the breadth...