Marking Milestones and Making Memories in your Son’s Journey to Manhood

ID-100137686 A "Father/Son Quest" is a great concept that was instituted years ago at Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis. Here is a description of its purpose, which could be used to generate your own personalized version for your church:

Navigating the road from boyhood to manhood is a treacherous journey in today’s postmodern culture. We look to The Bible as the source of truth for parents throughout this important journey. Daily parenting, effective communication, prayer, encouragement, and loving support are important steps in building a firm foundation for your son.

We also believe there is unique power in marking key milestones and making lifetime memories. Whether preparing your pre-teen for the onset of adolescence, or confirming values and commitments with your high school senior before he leaves home—Father/Son Quest™ was created just for this purpose.

Designed for fathers with sons 12 years of age and older, this getaway encourages the deepening of relationships between a father and son in a rustic north woods setting [or something comparable to your location]. It’s a special three-day weekend of godly fellowship and character-building activities in a personalized, one-on-one discipleship mode.

You will have a unique opportunity to:

    1. Communicate a personalized Blessing and Affirmation to your son,
    2. Develop and present a clear Biblical Vision of Manhood to your son, and
    3. Cultivate and explain Key Qualities of Godly Men found in the Scriptures

…all in the company of other devoted men and fathers.

 (Photo courtesy of Franky242 at

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