Introducing the New Format Preschool Coloring Books

Children Desiring God Blog // Introducing the New Format Preschool Student Coloring Books

Many of you have asked for a less expensive and less bulky option for the Student Coloring Books in the He Established A Testimony and He Has Spoken By His Son preschool curricula. Our New Format Student Coloring Book answers both of these concerns. The Original Student Coloring Books include a copy of the Parent Resource Page next to each coloring page. The New Format Student Coloring Books have removed these Parent Resource Pages since they are already included in the Teacher’s Kit 3-ring notebook and Resources CD for churches to email to or print and send home with parents. The resulting New Format Student Coloring Books are much leaner – they are less expensive, lighter weight and thinner for those who store the books in the classroom during the week, and remain excellent resources for both classroom and home use.

The New Format Student Coloring Books are now available! We expect that most customers will be excited about the change but recognize that others may have some of the Original Student Coloring Books on hand. These users may want to order additional copies of the Original Students Coloring Books so that all children in a class have the same version. The Original Students Coloring Books will be available through the end of 2018. Users of electronic Student Coloring Books will be able to choose between the Original Student Coloring Book and the New Format.

Tips for effectively utilizing the New Format Student Coloring Books and Parent Resource Pages:

  • The Student Coloring Books are best used after the Bible story to reinforce what was taught. As the children are coloring/decorating their coloring books, talk with them about the lesson, being sure to recall/reinforce the Key Themes that were emphasized by the teacher. In addition to crayons, markers, or colored pencils, you can provide various add-ons such as star stickers for the picture of Abraham looking at the stars, red yarn on the picture of Rahab and the walls of Jericho, jewel stickers for a king’s crown, etc. You could also create a schedule of the memory verses as a check-off list or sticker chart and tape it inside the front cover of the Student Coloring Book as a reminder and also as a record of when any incentives were given out. Alternatively, download these memorization charts from
  • The Parent Resource Pages are designed to connect church and home so that parents can discuss the lesson and go deeper with their children. Some churches print and send home paper copies each week, or send a weekly or monthly email with the pertinent pages attached. Another option (our favorite) is to print an entire year’s worth of Parent Pages, adding a cover page showing which lessons are scheduled for each week, and give the packet to each family. You can include additional information about the class – perhaps the lesson schedule, Scripture memory schedule, contact information for classroom volunteers, etc. If you provide an annual packet, it is important to give parents at least monthly reminders to review the lessons with their children and to help the children with the Scripture memory passages.

Our customer service team is always available to consult with you about how best to use our resources in your setting. We would love to hear from you and to pray for your ministry to the next generations.

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