How to Launch and Sustain a Church-Wide Bible Memory Program

How to Launch and Sustain a Church-Wide Bible Memory Program

The start of a new year is a popular time to commit afresh to Bible reading and Scripture memory. We believe that our Fighter Verse™ program is a wonderful tool for encouraging and sustaining Bible personal Bible memory. But did you know it was originally designed to also be used in the context of a larger church community? Pursuing a shared goal has one big benefit: stronger biblical community.

Though corporate enthusiasm and pacing can be harder to maintain, it is possible. We've curated some practical suggestions to help you use Fighter Verses in your church.

  • Build Strategic Partnerships One of the most crucial factors to the success of church-wide memory is the support of the church’s pastors and elders. The pastors play a key role in communicating the significance of Bible memory through announcements, sermons, articles, and examples.
  • Build Community Interest Building interest and excitement about the program is critical, especially in the first year of the program. This can be done a number of ways: posters advertising that something is coming; a kickoff event that features testimonies and skits.
  • Equip and Educate Participants Many people, particularly adults, may think that Scripture memorization is too hard, or just for kids. It’s important to come alongside these folks and encourage their participation by helping them find memory strategies that work for them.
  • Give Tangible Incentives Scripture memory should be valued because of the blessing of putting God’s Word into your mind and heart. However, a few incentives along the way can also encourage those who have never tried Bible memory, as well as build community.
  • Use Small Groups and Sunday School Because most corporate worship settings can be an intimidating place for memory accountability, encourage small groups and Sunday School classes to make Scripture memory and accountability part of their weekly program.
  • Keep Bible Memory in the Forefront Keep the verse of the week in front of members through the means of corporate worship. For example, put it on the church bulletin; ask a volunteer to recite it in the morning announcements; pray it during the worship service; sing it during the worship service.
  • Recognize God’s Grace Being able to memorize and apply Scripture to our lives is no small accomplishment. Only God can give us the grace to long for His Word, hide it is our hearts, and use it in our lives. When someone has a testimony of how God has used Bible memory in his life, it’s worth sharing.

To read more details about each suggestion, download the complete list of ideas for Beginning, Encouraging, and Sustaining a Church-Wide Bible Memory Program (PDF)


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