Everything They Need

ID-100232691 A  very helpful observation and some advice for parents from Christina Fox:

I once had a teacher tell me that a person can lose everything they own, but no one can take what they have learned. If we lost everything but still had God’s word in our heart, we’d have everything we need. That’s because God’s word isn’t just a book; it’s the source of all truth and wisdom. It tells us who we are and how we got here. It shows us our greatest problem and our greatest need. It reveals all that God has done for us through Christ and the only way to salvation. It tells us all we need to know to live for God in this fallen world. God’s word is food for our souls. Unlike any other book we read, it is active and alive, transforming us from the inside out. And it’s our source of comfort and peace in a dark and confusing world.

As believers, we desire for our children to know, love, believe, and live out God’s word in their lives. While it is the job of the Spirit to apply the word to our children’s heart, we have a duty to teach our children God’s word (Deuteronomy 6:4-9).

Ways to Teach Children Scripture

  1. Read it Yourself…
  2. Read Together…
  3. Encourage them to read it on their own…
  4. Memorize Scripture together…
  5. Apply Scripture to all of life
  6. Pray for God to work...

(from “Teaching Children God’s Word” at www.forthefamily.org)

Read the entire article here.

(Image courtesy of imagerymajestic at FreeDigitalPhotos.net.)

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