Creative Idea: Next Generation Prayer Calendar

ID-100383096 Last year, our daughter and son-in-law received a personalized family calendar as a Christmas gift. Every month displayed a beautiful picture of their children. It was a wonderful gift! This year my daughter decided to take the idea a step further by combining a family calendar with the CDG resource, Praying for the Next Generation. The prayer booklet, written by Sally Michael, offers 12 topics for prayer with suggested Scriptures. My daughter simply incorporated a prayer topic along with each of the 12 pictures on the calendar. So, for example, along with a picture of your children for the month of January, you could incorporate the first prayer topic…

Pray that they would know Christ as Savior early in life and treasure their inheritance as sons of God; that they will not accept Satan’s designs against them but walk in the light as heirs of the kingdom.

You might also want to include some specific Scriptures to pray during the week and have special stickers or a marking pen to mark off each day that you pray—a little reminder and incentive for daily prayer! Imagine reviewing the calendar on December 31, 2016 with every topic specifically prayed for your children and every day “checked” off. Just think of what God might be pleased to do through the heart-felt, diligent prayers of parents! You can purchase the prayer booklet here. Most office supply stores and many other large retailers offer customized calendars at a very reasonable price.

(Image courtesy of chatchai_stocker at

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