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The Call of God

The Call of God

A Study for Children on the Work of God in Redemption

Lessons: 5

Grade Range: Kindergarten - Grade 6

The Call of God (also available in Spanish) is a Backyard Bible Club / Vacation Bible School curriculum for children on the work of God in redemption. This curriculum explores the call of God and various responses to that call. These 5 lessons are intended to be used with elementary-age children.

Curriculum Sample and Scope & Sequence

What You Need to Start

  • 1 Coordinator's Starter Kit (choose between print or electronic) plus 1 Teacher's Guide for each additional teacher
  • 1 Student Project for each student (available in packs of 5)

Additional Helps

*Printable from the kit

Shipping & Returns

Orders ship within 3-4 business days after they are placed. See our return policy.

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God is calling people to be part of His family. Through the death of Jesus on the cross, He has made a way for sinners to be pardoned from sin and to be His children. Through the lives of various people in the Bible, children will discover different means God uses to call people to faith in Him. The goal of this curriculum is to make children aware of God’s call, to encourage them to respond in faith, and to warn them not to harden their hearts.The Call of God contains five lessons on both God’s general and effective call, complete with colorful visuals and application discussion questions. Optional activities include learning activities, games, and worksheets, as well as a student project that can be worked on for the duration of the curriculum.


  • Jesus calls His disciples
  • God calls the Ethiopian through the Word
  • God calls Lydia through Paul
  • Jesus calls Nicodemus to believe in Him
  • Jesus calls Zacchaeus and changed his heart
  • Jesus’ irresistible call to Paul
  • God calls Jonah to preach repentance in Nineveh

To help leaders discuss the gospel at a deeper level with children, the kit includes 1 Helping Children to Understand the Gospel booklet and 1 The Greatest Treasure! booklet. 

Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible.


The Call of God: Coordinator's Starter Kit - Print

Order 1 kit for each program. Choose between print and electronic.

Print kit includes:

  • One spiral Teacher's Guide containing curriculum introduction, lessons, and appendix (purchase an additional Teacher's Guide for each additional leader)
  • A link to the printable PDFs of Visuals Packet, Optional Activities, and Parent Pages
  • One Student Project
  • One Helping Children to Understand the Gospel booklet which is a good resource for teachers, leaders, and families.
  • One The Greatest Treasure! booklet (to help explain 10 essential truths of the gospel)

The Call of God: Coordinator's Starter Kit - Electronic

Order 1 kit for each program. Choose between print and electronic.

Electronic kit includes the following files:

  • 1 Teacher's Guide (1 license) containing the introduction, lessons, and appendix (PDF 86 pages) [purchase an additional Teacher's Guide for each additional leader}
  • Visuals Packet for print (PDF, 31 pages)
  • Visuals for electronic display
  • Electronic Student Project (for Teacher and Small Group Leader Reference Only) (PDF 3 pages/2 front and back - 11x17)
  • Parent and Child Resource Pages (PDF, 8 pages)
  • Additional Resources, including a watermarked copy of The Greatest Treasure! along with a copy of Helping Children to Understand the Gospel (for reference only)

Electronic License Information:

This Coordinator's Kit includes a license for 1 Teacher's Guide. Each licensed copy of the Teacher's Guide may be viewed, printed and used by one individual for one year. This material may not be shared among multiple teachers at the same time. However, if you are re-teaching the curriculum at a later date, the license may be renewed for a nominal fee.

The resource files included with each licensed copy of the Coordinator's Kit (not including the Teacher's Guide) may be shared with the co-teachers, small group leaders and parents as needed and instructed by the licensing information included in the Kit.


The Call of God: Additional Teacher's Guide - Print

Order 1 guide for each additional teacher or group leader. (1 copy is included in the Coordinator's Starter Kit.)

The Teacher’s Guide is designed to equip group leaders and co-teachers with their own copy of the curriculum to study and pray through as they prepare to minister to the children under their care.

This guide is intended to be used in conjunction with the kit. As such, it includes the curriculum introduction, lessons, and appendix, but not the Curriculum Resources.

Choose between print and electronic download (87 pages).


The Call of God: Additional Teacher's Guide - Electronic

Order 1 guide for each additional teacher or group leader. (1 copy is included in the Coordinator's Starter Kit.)

The Teacher’s Guide is designed to equip group leaders and co-teachers with their own copy of the curriculum to study and pray through as they prepare to minister to the children under their care.

This guide is intended to be used in conjunction with the kit. As such, it includes the curriculum introduction, lessons, and appendix, but not the Curriculum Resources.

Choose between print and electronic download (87 pages).

Electronic License Information: Each licensed copy of the electronic Teacher's Guide may be used by one individual. This material may not be shared among multiple or rotating users. However, if a different individual is using the curriculum at a later date and you have asked the previous user to delete the file (and destroy or return any print copies), the resource may be assigned to a different individual.


The Call of God: Visuals Packet

Order 1 for each group or program. (Optional)

This Visuals Packet includes a full set (31 pages) of color visuals for this curriculum printed on 8.5" x 11" cardstock.


The Call of God: Student Projects (5-Pack)

Each student should have 1 Student Project. This set includes Student Projects for 5 children.

Each child enrolled in the Backyard Bible Club or Vacation Bible School should have a project to complete during the program. The student project for The Call of God features an interactive 11x17 poster with pieces for the children to color, cut out, and assemble.

International customers: please contact Truth78 about electronic options.


Helping Children to Understand the Gospel

This resource covers: preparing the hearts of children to hear the gospel, discerning stages of spiritual growth, communicating the essential truths of the gospel, and presenting the gospel in an accurate and child-friendly manner. Includes a 10-week family devotional based on the 10 essential truths of the gospel (which are featured in The Greatest Treasure).


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