Colección: My Church Notes

Church services give us the opportunity to come into the presence of God with other people of God, both young and old. As children observe and join believers in worship, they learn to concentrate on God and see His greatness. 

My Church Notes were adapted from My Church Notebook: Volume 1 and My First Church Notebook to help visitors feel welcome as they engage in the service.

See all My Church Notebooks here.

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Electronic License Information: Each single-use 25-pack license allows the church to print 25 copies of My Church Notes and may not be reprinted or reused.

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We need to train our children from a young age to appreciate and participate in the worship service. To do this, they need to be in the worship service. Church services give us the opportunity to come into the presence of God with other people of God, both young and old. As children observe and join believers in worship, they learn to focus on God and see His greatness. However, little ones often have trouble sitting and listening for the length of the service.

The church notebooks for younger children provide parents with helpful suggestions to prepare children to understand and participate in the worship service. The My Church Journal has a note to encourage young people as they learn how to worship God.

Visit Children in the Church Service to watch and download free training seminars, tips, and tools.

“What a benefit there is when children witness their mother or father singing with conviction, praying in reverence, listening intently to the sermon, or receiving the Lord’s Supper in joy. In these moments a child witnesses the importance of faith and worship. There are few greater encouragements to a child’s faith then seeing their parents worship God with reverence and joy.”

—Jason Helopoulos, Children in Worship—Let’s Bring it Back

Note: Instructions for printing and additional license details and explanation are in the download.

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