The Greatest Treasure for the Next Generation

The Greatest Treasure for the Next Generation

When Truth78 was founded 23 years ago, the concern was that too many children were growing up in our churches and homes, blinded by the attractions of the wide way that leads to destruction, and ignorant of the truth about God, His works, and the narrow gate that leads to eternal life (Mt. 7:13-14).

Now, over two decades later, there is even more reason to be concerned. It seems that the force and speed of secularization is greater than ever, luring young people toward idols of the age that cannot satisfy or save. I tremble to think of the world my grandchildren will face. 

At Truth78, we feel as powerless as most do to change the complex circumstances that lead to such suffering. What we are doing is everything that we can to mobilize and equip church leaders and parents in North America and around the world to teach the Word of Truth to the next generation.

Our aim, as defined in the text from which we take our name, is a generation that sets their hope in God (Psalm 78:7) as their solid Rock that cannot be shaken. He is our Eternal Treasure that moth and rust cannot destroy, and political upheaval, violence, famine, and pandemics can never take from us.

We are zealous for those who come behind us to have confidence in God such that they can sing with the Reformer in the face of fierce threats to their physical and emotional survival, “Let goods and kindred go, this mortal life also, the body they may kill, God’s truth abideth still, his kingdom [and His treasure] is forever.” 

Our mission is to inspire and equip the church and the home for the comprehensive discipleship of the next generation. The word “comprehensive” is important as Psalm 78:5, Deut. 6:6, 1 Timothy 6:20, and Acts 20:27 all suggest that there is a body of truth that we need to teach the next generation. Truth78 takes this responsibility seriously and is committed to doing all we can to produce curricula and other tools that can support parents and teachers in their desire to be faithful to this calling. 

The more I tremble, the more urgently I am compelled to pursue the mission with you to send our children into this world with eyes that see Jesus as their Greatest Treasure. We are desperate for them to count everything as loss for the surpassing worth of knowing Christ (Phil. 3:8).

Though the challenge is great, we have never been more encouraged and delighted to share with you a report of some of the progress God has enabled us to make locally and around the world.

Please take some time to review the updates in the newsletter here and join us in giving thanks for the glory of our God and King and for the everlasting joy of the next generation.

We are trusting God to continue providing all we need. If these ministry updates resonate with you, we hope you’ll join us by investing financially to support the ongoing ministry to the next generation. Please visit for more information.


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