Preparing Young People for Baptism

Update June, 2019: This resource has been revised and expanded as Established in the Faith: A Discipleship Guide for Discerning and Affirming a Young Person’s Faith from the author, David Michael: "This booklet was originally published as a guide for preparing young people for baptism. I have revised the original material in the hope that it will continue to be useful for baptism preparation, but I also hope it can benefit young people who have already been baptized or have grown up in churches with different views on the timing and mode of baptism."

Baptism is a significant act of obedience in the life of a believer. Pastor David Michael is eager to equip the church to responsibly oversee the ordinance of baptism for young people without usurping the privilege of spiritual leadership God has given to parents. To that end, he developed a resource consisting of the following two booklets to help churches and parents partner together as they faithfully prepare a young person to follow the Lord in the obedience of baptism and to become a covenant member of a local church: CHBMEP Mentor's Guide Designed for parents and mentors (especially fathers), this booklet outlines a process, objectives, and sessions to a lead a young person through the meaningful process of baptism preparation. A companion Pastor’s Supplement places the Mentor’s Guide in the framework of a church-sponsored process of preparing young people for baptism. English Standard Version     CHBPEP Pastor's Supplement Designed for Pastors, this booklet outlines a process and objectives that the church can use to equip parents and mentors to lead a young person through a meaningful process of baptism preparation. A CD is included with 15 forms (Word® document) that can be adapted and used within your own church. A companion Mentor’s Guide is also available for parents or mentors who are shepherding a young person through this process.

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