Meet Pastor Pete, an inspiration for faithful next generation discipleship

Meet Pastor Pete, an inspiration for faithful next generation discipleship

For 25 years of ministry. God has been pleased to sustain a relentless, ever-increasing zeal for faithfully making His glory known to the next generation for me and the team at Truth78. One of the ways God consistently provides that sustaining grace is through the encouragement, affirmation, and support of others who share the same passion and zeal. 

Pastor Peter Charlebois has been one of those consistent channels of grace. God has used his leadership and convictions, not only to personally encourage Truth78 in its vision and mission, but also to inspire and mobilize the people in every church that he has served for the faithful discipleship of the next generation. 

I am honored to introduce you to Pastor Pete. He is an example of the kind of shepherding leadership for next generation ministry that I pray will continue to influence the Church throughout North America and around the world. I hope you'll take a few minutes to watch this video.


Our fiscal year ends June 30. If you haven't already, would you prayerfully consider a gift to our general fund to help us finish strong?

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