Several years ago I was looking for a way to streamline Scripture memory for the kids in our church as well as encourage families to memorize Scripture together. Around that time, our youth started memorizing together. I also learned about the Fighter Verses resources. Suddenly I could visualize children in our classrooms, as well as our entire church body, embracing Scripture memory with some of the best tools for Scripture memory.
Integrating Scripture Memory in Classrooms
What I couldn't imagine was fitting memory work into our limited one-hour Sunday school schedule. I started making changes to prioritize Scripture memory in our classrooms. We set aside 10 minutes at the end of each class to learn the week's verse with memory games.
Soon after, we recognized the need for review so the kids would remember what they were memorizing. Our Immanuel kids music man started incorporating Fighter Verses songs into his visit with each class. We also provided a Family Worship Roadmap that uses the week's verse. This streamlined Scripture memory for families with multiple elementary students, as well as in youth classes.
I met with the youth director and we discussed our shared desire to see the adults join in churchwide Scripture Memory. We approached our pastors about it, and after that, it took off.
Church-Wide Scripture Memory Initiatives
- Every Week we run the Fighter Verse passage at the top of our churchwide email.
- Every January we encourage the whole church to prioritize Scripture memory.
- We give each member a missions calendar to help them pray for those we’ve sent out. Each week, we pray for an international worker using that week's verse, printed above their photo.
- During the weekly service we provide verse coloring sheets for our school-aged children to color during the service.
- During the “share time” portion of our service, members can share how the Fighter Verse has encouraged them. Periodically, the pastor will ask someone to quote it from memory. It's so encouraging to hear children's voices and older saints share verses with the church family.
- In a few weeks, our 4th and 5th graders are going to recite a passage from Jeremiah during that time. This particular verse says:
Can't you just imagine their sweet voices encouraging the rest of the body?
Everyone memorizing the same passage each week has benefited members of all ages. Families and roommates always have the Fighter Verse as a resource for worship together at home. We are seeing personal growth and community sanctification as we more effectively access God's Word to teach and admonish one another in all wisdom (Colossians 3:16).
Overcoming Challenges to Scripture Memory
I don't want to paint an unrealistic or perfect picture. Our classes don't always get to Scripture memory. It may be a teachable moment that emerges during the lesson, and then the time is gone. Among the body, some members may miss a week, or even months, for a variety of reasons.
But our goal isn’t finding joy in being disciplined enough to complete a memory plan—as helpful as a memory plan is for staying on track. The goal is for God’s Word to transform our lives. Memorizing the Word implants truth in our hearts so we can speak truth to ourselves and others as we fight the good fight of faith.
Integrating Scripture Memory in Classrooms
I hope you’re inspired with a big vision like I was when I first heard about Scripture memory in the classroom. A word of encouragement: It’s taken our church several years to grow into these practices. Start small. Don’t lose heart if it takes time to implement. For today, take one step to encourage Scripture memory in your classrooms with the volunteers the Lord has given you to lead.
At our church, we started with this vision:
When churches memorize Scripture together, the members deepen their dependency upon God's word, grow in word-centered friendships, enrich their prayers for one another, and build unity that is essential to the body of Christ. May the Word of Christ dwell in us richly, that we may teach and admonish one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs with thankfulness in our hearts to God.
By God’s grace that vision has spread into our classrooms, members’ homes, and our entire church body. I pray the Lord will cause your efforts to bear much fruit.
—Rebecca Cedillo is the Children’s Director for Immanuel Baptist Church in Louisville, KY.
Interested in church-wide Scripture memory resources? Explore Fighter Verses and other tools for your ministry. The Family Worship Roadmap template is included in the Fighter Verses Churchwide Kit.

The Fighter Verses songs are available on Apple Music, Spotify, and in the Fighter Verses App. Verse coloring books are available in print and with a digital download license. To learn more about the Fighter Verses program, visit