Free Lesson for Youth: A Biblical View of Technology


In the previous post, “Children and Youth in a Digital Age,” we recommended some important “must-read” articles regarding digital media and technology for parents by Dr. Albert Mohler. As a follow-up, we’d like to offer you a free lesson from our curriculum Your Word Is Truth.

The lesson gives students (ages 7th-9thgrade) a biblical foundation for understanding technology, and then challenges them to apply these truths in practical ways to their own lives and daily decisions. Although not specifically geared toward digital media, it does provide general biblical truths for helping students evaluate their use of digital media and other popular technologies. Here is an outline of the main ideas presented in the lesson:

  • Man is able to create technology because we are made in God’s image and reflect His divine ability to create.
  • Technology often assists man in exercising rightful dominion over creation, and is a means of God providing for the needs of people.
  • The sinful heart is prone to develop and use technology for evil purposes.
  • The sinful heart is prone to trust and find its satisfaction in technology, and not in God.
  • Technology can be used as a means of glorifying God, or glorifying man.

Click here to download all lesson components.

(Photo courtesy Ambro at

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