An Easter Like No Other?  (+ Free Lessons)

An Easter Like No Other? (+ Free Lessons)

Unless something drastically changes, most of us will be experiencing an Easter like none we’ve ever experienced. Sadly, there will be no gatherings with our local churches to worship in glad adoration together and greeting one another with joyous, “He is risen! He is risen indeed!” There will be no traditional family gatherings after church with extended family, etc. Most of us will be “locked” in our homes, obeying stay-at-home orders that were issued over the fear of COVID-19.

An Easter like no other…

John 20:19-21—On the evening of that day, the first day of the week, the doors being locked where the disciples were for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said to them, “Peace be with you.” When he had said this, he showed them his hands and his side. Then the disciples were glad when they saw the Lord. Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you…”

Interesting…That very first Easter, Jesus’ disciples were also “locked” in together because of fear (of a very different nature). Yet, the risen Christ in His glorified body passes right through the door and enters in to be present with His disciples. He says, “Peace be with you.” Have no fear. Jesus has conquered sin, death, and every other foe on behalf of His people. The risen Savior reigns as King of kings and Lord of lords forever…even this week as we prepare to celebrate an “Easter like no other.”  

So parents, you could use this week to foster the presence of Jesus in your home. Help your children understand the deep significance of the scars on His hands and side. Help them to understand that knowing, trusting, loving, enjoying, and celebrating the resurrected Christ is not limited by the difficult circumstances around us. Some day COVID-19 will pass away. Christ and His glorious Kingdom will never pass away. That is a truth like no other!

Here are free lessons you can use to help your family reflect on Jesus’ death and resurrection:

Find more free and discounted resources here.

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