A curriculum focused on the source of all joy

A curriculum focused on the source of all joy

As our fiscal year comes to a close, we would like to pass along some reflections from Patrick Dirrim, Pastor for Students and Families at Grace Fellowship of South Forsyth in the Atlanta metro area. We asked Pat to share his experience as a long-time partner with our ministry:

When we started our church 20 years ago with seven families, our goal was to keep God central. We were tired of so much of the man-centered teaching and focus we were seeing around us, as well as the moral exhortations that reduce the Christian life to outward behavior. We wanted to worship the great and all-satisfying God of the universe and have our hearts, minds, and actions changed by Him but we couldn’t find any curriculum for kids that had the same goal. That is, until we came across Children Desiring God (now Truth78). We were drawn by the fact that it was (and remains to this day) a God-exalting, Bible-saturated, Jesus-glorifying curriculum that takes kids to the source of all joy—Jesus Christ! 

Truth78 has been a great tool we have used in partnership with parents to saturate our children and students with the Word of God. By the time students graduate high school, they have a robust understanding of the sufficiency and authority of Scripture, the fallen nature of man, how one is made right with God, and why God did all that He did—for His glory. Our graduates are highly equipped in handling the Word well and we’ve seen it bear much fruit in the lives of our young adults. I thank the Lord for that!

Our teachers love and consistently express the delight they have in learning
so much as they prepare to teach the children and the students. Our parents rejoice that we are not simply entertaining, but are earnestly imparting truth to their kids. It helps them start and engage in spiritual conversations throughout the week. Resources for the home support them even more as parents (especially dads) seek to lead their children and families to see and savor Jesus Christ.

For all these reasons and more, I encourage you to support the mission of Truth78 along with me, my family, and my church.
Grace and peace, Patrick Dirrim

Thank you, Patrick, for laboring side by side with us for the faith of the next generations! May your ministry continue to bear everlasting fruit for the eternal joy of the children and students growing up in your congregation.

Generous financial partnership allows us to continue producing resources and coming alongside ministry leaders like Patrick. As our fiscal year comes to a close, would you consider a financial gift to help us finish strong and on budget? 

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