A Christmas Prayer of Praise

A Christmas Prayer of Praise

As you prepare to celebrate Christmas and Christ's coming into our world, I wanted to share with you a Christmas prayer of praise, actually two prayers of praise. My hope is that these prayers can be encouraging in shaping your personal prayers of praise for Christmas, but also that one of these may be helpful in shaping opportunities you might have to pray with your family and other guests you may be with this week. Each of these prayers would be especially fitting after singing "Joy to the World."

May God bless you and your families as you praise the One who remembered us.

You Remembered Us!

We bow before you Lord Jesus, Immanuel on this day of all days!
Let fields and floods, rocks, hills, and plains employ all their songs
Let heaven and nature sing
And let the nations prove the glories of Your righteousness and wonders of Your love,

For you remembered us.
Heaven’s door has been opened
A child has been born!
A son has been given!
The eternal King of Israel is here!
The path to peace has been revealed
The way of redemption and hope has been provided
God and sinners---Reconciled!
Blessings are flowing far as the curse is found
You brought us to draw water joyfully from the springs of salvation.
You put us on an everlasting rock that will never be shaken!

You are a Wonderful Counselor who teaches us all things and guides us into all truth
You are the Word which is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.
You have brought us to this Christmas still believing, still looking to you, still trusting in your unfailing promises.

May all praise and adoration be Yours—Lord Jesus, our King—Immanuel forever and ever.

For the honor of your name, Lord Jesus, in which I pray,


The Wonders of Your Love

O God, our LORD, our Savior, our King—the God of Israel, who alone does wondrous things.

May your name be blessed forever for the wonders of your love.

  • A love that did not abandon us
  • A love that did not forsake us!
  • A love that did not leave us to ourselves to work out an impossible problem.
  • A love that came!
  • A love that came and accomplished the impossible.
  • A love that defeated our ancient foe
  • A love that delivered us from the wrath of God.
  • A love that turned hearts of stone into hearts of flesh.
  • A love that forgives our sins and heals our diseases.
  • A love that redeems our lives from the pit
  • A love that works righteousness and justice for all the oppressed
  • A love that turns despair into hope and brings joy to the world
  • A love that has given something to live for and something to die for.
  • A love that satisfies our desire with good things.
  • A love that draws near to your people even in this moment.

O the wonders of your love!

O Lord Jesus, open our eyes and our hearts to see these wonders afresh today.

Let us see more of your glory and beauty.

Let your love satisfy the longings of our hearts.

Let our hearts and our voices join with fields and floods, rocks, hills, and plains and repeat the sounding joy

May your name be forever praised O Lord and Savior Immanuel, in whose name I pray,


Pray with us 

As you prepare for the new year, would you join us in praying for the next generation? Visit Truth78.org/pray to download the book Big, Bold, Biblical Prayers for the Next Generation, to join a community committed to praying regularly or to invite others to join you in this prayer.

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