Colección: The Greatest Gift!

These mini booklets, along with posters or slides for the classroom, have been designed to help children discover 10 essential truths of the gospel, progressively revealed and clearly explained, which lead them to seeing and understanding that enjoying God forevermore is truly the greatest gift of all!

Each essential truth includes a simple doctrinal statement, supporting Scriptures, a brief explanation, and a call for personal application. Additionally, each truth is accompanied by a colorful, child-friendly illustration to summarize and reinforce the truth learned.

While this booklet presents the same 10 essential truths as in The Greatest Treasure!The Greatest Gift! has been specially designed to be used at Christmastime, helping children to see Jesus as the greatest gift ever given.

Samples: Booklet and Posters and Slides

Purchase booklets for $1.20 each when you buy 10 or $1.08 each when you buy 50 or more
Subscriber price: $0.90 each when you buy 50 or more

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More Information

Imagine the excitement surrounding Christmas with all the beautiful sights and sounds and special activities—including the anticipation of receiving wonderful gifts. But the greatest gift of all—the most valuable one that alone can bring you the greatest happiness—will not be found under a tree or wrapped in fancy paper. What could it possibly be?

These resources have been designed to lead children on a journey to discover 10 essential truths of the gospel, which culminate in the greatest gift of all—enjoying God Himself forevermore! Each essential truth includes a simple doctrinal statement, supporting Scriptures, a brief explanation, and a call for personal application. Additionally, each truth is accompanied by a colorful, child-friendly illustration to summarize and reinforce the truth learned.

Furthermore, rather than ending with a call to “pray and receive Jesus,” the resources intentionally conclude by encouraging children to explore the truth of God’s Word further, giving churches and Christians an opening to pursue follow-up discipleship opportunities.

Though targeted for ages 7-11, these resources are widely adaptable for home, Sunday school, Christian school, VBS, and evangelism outreach. Note that The Greatest Gift is specifically designed for use at Christmastime.

For more information on presenting the gospel to children, consider these resources:

Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible.

Electronic License Information: Each licensed copy of the posters is for use in a single home or in the classroom setting for which it was purchased.

International Customers: contact us for an electronic option for the mini booklets.