
Small Group Leading: Maximizing Spiritual Influ...
Relationships of trust foster opportunities to be a spiritual influence on students. This seminar focuses on practical suggestions for fostering healthy Gospel-oriented relationships, maximizing opportunities to be a spiritual influence,...
Small Group Leading: Maximizing Spiritual Influ...
Relationships of trust foster opportunities to be a spiritual influence on students. This seminar focuses on practical suggestions for fostering healthy Gospel-oriented relationships, maximizing opportunities to be a spiritual influence,...

Wife, Mother, Disciple-Maker
Our vision of motherhood will shape our attitude, our actions, our influence, and the outcome of our mothering. Christian mothers are God’s ambassadors to their children, called to the ministry...
Wife, Mother, Disciple-Maker
Our vision of motherhood will shape our attitude, our actions, our influence, and the outcome of our mothering. Christian mothers are God’s ambassadors to their children, called to the ministry...

Encouraging God-Esteem in a Culture of Self-Esteem
Our culture is saturated with the unbiblical self-esteem myth, namely: My happiness and success is dependent on making much of myself. This seminar explores how we can teach, love, and...
Encouraging God-Esteem in a Culture of Self-Esteem
Our culture is saturated with the unbiblical self-esteem myth, namely: My happiness and success is dependent on making much of myself. This seminar explores how we can teach, love, and...

Laying Foundations in the Nursery for Infants a...
This seminar will teach you the essentials of a nursery and toddler ministry that ensures biblical truth is communicated, even to very young children. You will be equipped to begin...
Laying Foundations in the Nursery for Infants a...
This seminar will teach you the essentials of a nursery and toddler ministry that ensures biblical truth is communicated, even to very young children. You will be equipped to begin...

Teaching Children and Youth to Stand Firm in a ...
In this seminar, we look at our responsibility as parents and as the church in training our kids to be strong in faith and mighty in Spirit. What are the...
Teaching Children and Youth to Stand Firm in a ...
In this seminar, we look at our responsibility as parents and as the church in training our kids to be strong in faith and mighty in Spirit. What are the...

Tools for Using Truth78 Curriculum: Backyard Bi...
Learn about the differences between Backyard Bible Clubs and Vacation Bible Schools and gain practical advice on how to get started planning and hosting an outreach event at your home...
Tools for Using Truth78 Curriculum: Backyard Bi...
Learn about the differences between Backyard Bible Clubs and Vacation Bible Schools and gain practical advice on how to get started planning and hosting an outreach event at your home...