Prayer: Utter Dependence upon God in Children's Ministry

Prayer: Utter Dependence upon God in Children's Ministry

MINISTRY ROLE: Children/Youth Ministry Leaders, Team Leaders, Teachers, Small Group Leaders, Worship Leaders    |   TARGET AGE: Infant to Youth Classrooms   |   BY: Bud Burk

We can do so much in our lives and ministry without God, can’t we? Don’t we? How long would it take us to notice if the Spirit has left us on our own? Has He? We are utterly dependent upon God in every circumstance, in every relationship, and in all ministries for all good and for the ability to honor His great name in them. There is a necessary connection between our felt dependency upon God and our pursuit of God in prayer. This bleeds over into our ministries. We are either modeling before people (children and adults) how to serve with God, or without Him. Either one is always happening always. This seminar is intended to cultivate your thirst for a felt dependency upon God, and to express that thirst in prayer as you meditate upon Scripture. It is also intended to cultivate creative thought in how to lead your ministry teams and children/youth in prayer in the context of the ministry program as you corporately meditate upon Scripture. This seminar is about seeking God with all of our hearts through prayer.



Note: This seminar was produced under our previous name, Children Desiring God.

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