Leading Students to Feast on God's Word

Leading Students to Feast on God's Word

MINISTRY ROLE: Youth Ministry Leaders, Teachers, Small Group Leaders, Parents   |   TARGET AGE: Youth Classrooms   |   BY: Jon Nowlin

Oh, that we as parents and youth leaders—along with the students we shepherd—would delight in the law of the Lord and meditate on it day and night! Increase your appetite for the Word, and learn how to help young people take in its rich nourishment. Develop a vision along with action steps so that, by God's grace, our time in the Word will be increasingly grounded in biblical doctrine, propelled by prayer, marked by a right handling of the Scriptures, and aimed at seeing and savoring the person and Gospel of Jesus Christ, culminating in humble reception of truth and real-life application.


Note: This seminar was produced under our previous name, Children Desiring God.

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