A Vision for Encouraging Faith in Christ in the Next Generation

A Vision for Encouraging Faith in Christ in the Next Generation

FOUNDATIONS FOR MINISTRY: Part 4   |   BY: David & Sally Michael

God-centered children's ministry is fueled by a biblical vision for worship, biblical literacy, and faith in the next generation. It involves the willing participation of pastors, parents, congregations and children's ministry workers in an earnest effort to proclaim the praiseworthy name and testimony of the Lord to children of all ages. In the four Foundations for Ministry videos, David and Sally Michael share the foundations of a God-centered children's ministry.


View the Foundations for Ministry Series

Part 1: A Vision for Discipleship of the Next Generation

Part 2: A Vision for God-Centered, Gospel-Focused Teaching for the Next Generations

Part 3: A Vision for Teaching the Word of God

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