
Lullaby Theology: Singing the Whole Counsel of God

Lullaby Theology: Singing the Whole Counsel of God


At two years old, David found his singing voice. From the backseat he warbled about “The Wheels of the Bus,” and in the bathtub he chirped out “The Itsy, Bitsy...

Lullaby Theology: Singing the Whole Counsel of God


At two years old, David found his singing voice. From the backseat he warbled about “The Wheels of the Bus,” and in the bathtub he chirped out “The Itsy, Bitsy...

What Does Godly Ambition Look Like?

Candice Watters

What is greatness in God’s sight? Too often I wish for my children, (and even for myself), greatness that is praised in the world’s eyes: high grades, academic accolades, advanced...

What Does Godly Ambition Look Like?

Candice Watters

What is greatness in God’s sight? Too often I wish for my children, (and even for myself), greatness that is praised in the world’s eyes: high grades, academic accolades, advanced...

Why Children Need a High View of God


I still remember reading A. W. Tozer's book, The Knowledge of the Holy, back when I was in my freshman year of college. In the preface of that book, Tozer...

Why Children Need a High View of God


I still remember reading A. W. Tozer's book, The Knowledge of the Holy, back when I was in my freshman year of college. In the preface of that book, Tozer...

Whose Screen Time is the Real Problem?

Candice Watters

At our family reunion last week, I overheard one of my sisters saying she gives her kids half-an-hour a day of screen time. My stomach churned, wondering if I'd been...

Whose Screen Time is the Real Problem?

Candice Watters

At our family reunion last week, I overheard one of my sisters saying she gives her kids half-an-hour a day of screen time. My stomach churned, wondering if I'd been...

Should Children Be Taught the Wrath of God?

Should Children Be Taught the Wrath of God?

Jill Nelson

 Truth78 had the privilege of having a Q & A session with John Piper at The Gospel Coalition Women’s Conference in June. One question he answered dealt with Truth78’s first grade...

Should Children Be Taught the Wrath of God?

Jill Nelson

 Truth78 had the privilege of having a Q & A session with John Piper at The Gospel Coalition Women’s Conference in June. One question he answered dealt with Truth78’s first grade...

Helping Children Pray

Steve Watters

Following is part two of Truth78’s interview with Bible teacher, Nancy Guthrie. Nancy and David Guthrie experienced the death of two of their children and now lead respite retreats for parents...

Helping Children Pray

Steve Watters

Following is part two of Truth78’s interview with Bible teacher, Nancy Guthrie. Nancy and David Guthrie experienced the death of two of their children and now lead respite retreats for parents...