Discipling Children During and Beyond a Time of...
In a special interview David Michael and Timothy Paul Jones answer the question, "How might the pandemic change how the church and families disciple our children?" Additionally, David shares a timely...
Discipling Children During and Beyond a Time of...
In a special interview David Michael and Timothy Paul Jones answer the question, "How might the pandemic change how the church and families disciple our children?" Additionally, David shares a timely...
Biblical Truth #2—God Is Good, Loving, and Righ...
In the midst of a disaster, we often fail to remember the millions upon millions of ways God has been good, kind, and loving to us—even to people who are...
Biblical Truth #2—God Is Good, Loving, and Righ...
In the midst of a disaster, we often fail to remember the millions upon millions of ways God has been good, kind, and loving to us—even to people who are...
An Easter Like No Other? (+ Free Lessons)
Unless something drastically changes, most of us will be experiencing an Easter like none we’ve ever experienced. Sadly, there will be no gatherings with our local churches to worship in...
An Easter Like No Other? (+ Free Lessons)
Unless something drastically changes, most of us will be experiencing an Easter like none we’ve ever experienced. Sadly, there will be no gatherings with our local churches to worship in...
Biblical Truth #1—God Is Sovereign Over All
In a world experiencing turmoil, uncertainty, fear, hardship, suffering, and death there is only one unshakeable hope—knowing, trusting, and resting in the Sovereign Creator of the universe. For those who...
Biblical Truth #1—God Is Sovereign Over All
In a world experiencing turmoil, uncertainty, fear, hardship, suffering, and death there is only one unshakeable hope—knowing, trusting, and resting in the Sovereign Creator of the universe. For those who...
The Most Important Lessons of This Spring
Some of the most important things we can learn are not to be found in textbooks. Little did anyone imagine that every kid in Minnesota (and in many other states...
The Most Important Lessons of This Spring
Some of the most important things we can learn are not to be found in textbooks. Little did anyone imagine that every kid in Minnesota (and in many other states...
Now More than Ever—Truth78 GIFTs for Parents
While Sunday Schools aren't meeting, teachers can still provide parents with GIFT (Growing in Faith Together) pages. These pages are simple to use, which is especially helpful since many families...
Now More than Ever—Truth78 GIFTs for Parents
While Sunday Schools aren't meeting, teachers can still provide parents with GIFT (Growing in Faith Together) pages. These pages are simple to use, which is especially helpful since many families...