
Aiming Children Toward God-Esteem


The following are some important and challenging words by John Piper from a sermon titled “Predestined for Adoption to the Praise of His Glory.”  Our aim is not to take...

Aiming Children Toward God-Esteem


The following are some important and challenging words by John Piper from a sermon titled “Predestined for Adoption to the Praise of His Glory.”  Our aim is not to take...

Seeing and Pursuing True Greatness


"Awesome!" That's a word I often hear used by many of the young people I meet and teach. But the word is often being used to describe something that really...

Seeing and Pursuing True Greatness


"Awesome!" That's a word I often hear used by many of the young people I meet and teach. But the word is often being used to describe something that really...

Your Church, Your Sons, and Scouting


The Boy Scouts of America made national headlines a few weeks ago when it decided to allow openly homosexual youth into its membership ranks beginning January 2014. The implications of...

Your Church, Your Sons, and Scouting


The Boy Scouts of America made national headlines a few weeks ago when it decided to allow openly homosexual youth into its membership ranks beginning January 2014. The implications of...

A Biblical Perspective of Education


Which American President made the following claim? "A thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education." It was Theodore Roosevelt—a highly educated Harvard graduate. Do you...

A Biblical Perspective of Education


Which American President made the following claim? "A thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education." It was Theodore Roosevelt—a highly educated Harvard graduate. Do you...

Should We Require Obedience from Unsaved Children?


Does the above sound like a trick question? Something meant to stir up the "legalism" wars? It is not meant that way. It's really a very important and practical question...

Should We Require Obedience from Unsaved Children?


Does the above sound like a trick question? Something meant to stir up the "legalism" wars? It is not meant that way. It's really a very important and practical question...

John Piper—Be Holy, for I am Holy: Delighting i...


John Piper shared this message at the Children Desiring God 2013 National Conference. You can also read the transcript of Pastor John's message.

John Piper—Be Holy, for I am Holy: Delighting i...


John Piper shared this message at the Children Desiring God 2013 National Conference. You can also read the transcript of Pastor John's message.