Training Children to Think Hard
When looking at the CDG scope and sequence and the accompanying lessons, some people question whether or not it’s necessary or wise to provide children and young people with such...
Training Children to Think Hard
When looking at the CDG scope and sequence and the accompanying lessons, some people question whether or not it’s necessary or wise to provide children and young people with such...
Teaching Children the Meaning of Work
Do your children cringe at the thought of chores? Do they ever view a certain job as “beneath” them or as not worthy of their diligent effort? Labor Day is...
Teaching Children the Meaning of Work
Do your children cringe at the thought of chores? Do they ever view a certain job as “beneath” them or as not worthy of their diligent effort? Labor Day is...
What Do You Have for Children?
Often, when a family is looking for a new church they will inquire, "What kind of programs do you have for children at your church?" Wouldn't it be great if...
What Do You Have for Children?
Often, when a family is looking for a new church they will inquire, "What kind of programs do you have for children at your church?" Wouldn't it be great if...

Making Application of Scripture to the Lives of...
As we state in the introduction to our curricula, the Small Group Application Time at the end of each lesson is designed to help students see how God might have...
Making Application of Scripture to the Lives of...
As we state in the introduction to our curricula, the Small Group Application Time at the end of each lesson is designed to help students see how God might have...
Two Prayers for Teachers
What do you specifically pray for before you teach your students? Here are two beautiful examples from Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones: Oh God, please help me to believe what I teach!...
Two Prayers for Teachers
What do you specifically pray for before you teach your students? Here are two beautiful examples from Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones: Oh God, please help me to believe what I teach!...
"C" is for Catechism and for Children
Here are nine good reasons for using a catechism with children: Catechisms present the Gospel message. The question-answer format of catechisms engages little children. Catechisms foster a God-centered curiosity in...
"C" is for Catechism and for Children
Here are nine good reasons for using a catechism with children: Catechisms present the Gospel message. The question-answer format of catechisms engages little children. Catechisms foster a God-centered curiosity in...