Wowing Children with 35 Truths about God

ID-100382734 Our children and students long to be “wowed.” And the world presents them with a myriad of things to be wowed by—spectacular movies, sports, food, fashions, music, toys, and electronic gadgets…and on and on. My grandson happens to be wowed by pulleys—yes, those simple machines that can do all sorts of heavy lifting. Go figure. But ultimately, what do our children and students need to be wowed by? What is truly worthy of their highest affection and praise? What will fully satisfy their “wow” hunger? There is only one answer to that: seeing and loving the incomparable greatness and grandeur of God! How will this happen? Ultimately, by the sovereign grace of God bringing new life in our children’s lives so that they may know and treasure Him for who He is and what He is like. But we, too, have a grave responsibility and joyful privilege in this process, and that is to communicate to our children the manifold excellencies of God as revealed in His Word. Here are 35 scriptural truths about God (there are many more!) that we can begin to wow our children with: God is…
  1. Almighty—He is all-powerful.
  2. Attentive—He constantly sees, hears, and acts in the world.
  3. Bountiful—God is more than enough to satisfy all our desires.
  4. the Creator of everything.
  5. the Deliverer—He saves His sinful people from the punishment they deserve.
  6. Eternal—He has no beginning or end.
  7. Exalted—God ranks far above everything else. He is the Most High.
  8. Faithful—God always does what He says He will do.
  9. Glorious—He shows His greatness and worth.
  10. Good—Everything God is and does is worthy of approval.
  11. Happy—He delights in being God.
  12. Holy—God is like nothing else. He is perfect and is separate from sin.
  13. Incomprehensible—He is more than we can fully understand.
  14. Jealous—God will not share His glory, or the honor and praise He deserves.
  15. King—He rules over everyone.
  16. Love—God gives of Himself for the joy of others.
  17. Merciful—God is kind to undeserving sinners.
  18. Never-Tiring—He never gets tired and never sleeps.
  19. Omnipresent—God is everywhere all the time.
  20. Omniscient—God knows everything.
  21. Patient—He is slow to anger and slow to punish.
  22. the Provider—God meets the needs of His creation.
  23. a Refuge—God is a place of safety for His people.
  24. Righteous—Everything God thinks, says, and does is right.
  25. Self-Sufficient—He doesn’t need anything.
  26. Sovereign—God has the right, wisdom, and power to do all that He pleases.
  27. Trinity—God is three Persons in one God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  28. Unchanging—He never changes.
  29. Understanding—God remembers that we are weak.
  30. Victorious—God always wins, even over Satan, sin, and death.
  31. Wise—He causes everything to work out perfectly.
  32. Worthy—God is most valuable and deserves our greatest love, obedience, and worship.
  33. Wrathful—He is very angry at sin, and is right to punish sinners.
  34. Yahweh—This is God’s personal name and belongs to no one else.
  35. Zealous—God always acts with His whole heart.
Imagine a six- or seven-year -old being taught these truths about God! How can a new toy compare? Imagine the love children have for mom and dad—now they can see that God is infinitely more loving, kind, dependable, and deserving of their devotion and affection! Does this seem like too much to communicate to these young children? Too lofty and deep? We have a newly revised resource aimed specifically at sharing and explaining these truths to six- and seven-year-olds. What is it? Check back tomorrow for a special announcement!

(Image courtesy of tuelekza at

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