Truth Is Divine
God is the author of all truth because God is the truth. All things are measured by God Himself—by Himself—to determine what is in conformity with truth and what is non-truth. God is the final judge of all truth.
Truth Is Absolute
Truth is sovereign. Truth reigns over all. Truth is the definitive standard by which everything is measured.
Truth Is Objective
Truth is conveyed in clearly defined words—and words that have a definite meaning. Truth is black and white. Truth is narrowly defined by God’s Word…Truth is fact; it is not feeling…Truth is found in specific words with specific meaning in the inspired, inerrant, infallible Word of the living God.
Truth Is Singular
…What God says to one generation is true for every generation. The Bible speaks with one voice. It sets forth one plan of salvation, makes one diagnosis of the problem of the human condition, presents one history of redemption, and offers one Savior.
Truth Is Immutable
Truth never changes. What was true in the Garden of Eden is true throughout the Old Testament, is true in the times of Christ, is true in the expansion of the church, is true down through the centuries, and it is true today because God never changes.
Truth Is Authoritative
Truth has the right to make demands upon our lives because it is the truth of God. Truth possesses the right to rule our lives.
Truth Is Powerful
Truth alone convicts…Truth saves…Truth sanctifies. It conforms us into the image of Christ. Truth encourages. Truth comforts.
Truth Is Determinative
Your eternal destiny is determined by the truth.
(Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net.)