Who Are Your Child's Heroes?

Timely Thoughts from Pastor Art Murphy:
God uses the lives of godly men and women to affect the lives of others, especially children. God's people should have a natural attractiveness. Because of the positive characteristics demonstrated in Christian's lives, others around them are drawn to seek God. The world is looking for good role models. Who are your children's heroes? Who are your heroes? Do they point children to God, or do they point them to the world, away from God? Children do not know the differences between a hero and an idol. An idol is an image (something or someone) that man (Hollywood, television, sports, movies, etc.) has created to worship. It is a fake. A hero is someone we admire for the qualities that are evident in his life. A hero is real. Children are so easily influenced that they are often deceived. They tend to get caught up in idol worship due to the hype often associated with it. Children need us to help them select good heroes, mentors, and examples for their lives.
(The Faith of a Child: A Step-by-Step Guide to Salvation for Your Child. Copyright©2000, pages 24-25.)
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