What Our Children Need to Know about God’s Wrath

ID-1007128There is an important post over on the Desiring God website by Joseph Scheumann: “Five Truths About the Wrath of God.” I appreciate his very thoughtful and “balanced” approach—putting to rest some very common misconceptions. I think this article would help every parent, teacher, and older student. Here is how he begins:

The doctrine of the wrath of God has fallen on hard times. In today’s world, any concept of God’s wrath upsets our modern sentiments. It’s too disconcerting, too intolerant.

We live in a day where we have set ourselves as the judge and God’s character is on trial. “How can hell be just?” “Why would God command the Israelites to destroy the Canaanites?” “Why does God always seem so angry?”

 The fact that so many people struggle with these questions, and many more like them, means that more than ever right thinking is needed about the doctrine of God’s wrath. It is needed for motivation for Christian living, fuel for proper worship, and as a toolbox to confront objections to Christianity.

He then identifies these five biblical truths:
  1. God’s wrath is just.
  2. God’s wrath is to be feared.
  3. God’s wrath is consistent in the Old and New Testament.)
  4. God’s wrath is his love in action against sin.
  5. God’s wrath is satisfied in Christ.
 Read how he explains these truths here.

(Image courtesy of Dan at FreeDigitalPhotos.net.)

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