Using Your Backyard to Launch Gospel “Missiles”

Using Your Backyard to Launch Gospel “Missiles”

The idea of a “launching pad” was familiar imagery used by John Piper in the many years our family sat under his preaching. In a particularly memorable sermon, “Raising Children Who Hope in the Triumph of God,” Pastor John said,

I confess that I have gotten very excited about being a father as I have been thinking this week about what a family is and what it's for in God's great design for the world. I get excited

  • when I think of the family as a breeding ground for children who hope in the triumph of God,
  • or when I think of it as a training school for teaching what is true and false about what the world is really coming to,
  • or when I think of it as a boot camp for fitting out young soldiers of Christ for the greatest combat of the world,
  • or when I think of it as a fortress for protection or a hospital for healing or a supply depot for replenishing the troops or a retreat center for R and R,
  • and I get especially excited when I think of the family as a launching pad for missiles of missionary zeal aimed at the unreached peoples of the world.

(©Desiring God Foundation,

Imagine the family—your own family—as a launching pad for missiles of missionary zeal! How does this relate to your backyard? One way you can be a family launching pad this year is by hosting a Backyard Bible Club (BYBC) that aims loving, hope-filled, life-giving Gospel “missiles” throughout your neighborhood.

What is a Backyard Bible Club? How is it different from Vacation Bible School?

A Backyard Bible Club is simply a new twist on an old idea—namely, a new twist on a traditional Vacation Bible School program. VBS usually takes place over a week during the summer at a local church or other designated location, and is organized and led by the children’s director along with volunteers. Most often, the focus of the VBS is evangelistic—creating an appealing environment for welcoming children from non-Christian homes in order to expose them to the Gospel. A BYBC shares this focus but is held in the backyards (or front yards) of church members who have been equipped and trained by their church.

Truth78 Backyard Bible Club Curricula

We have the following curricula available for BYBC, designed for school-aged children with an evangelistic focus. They can be used in any order, and may also be used by a church for a traditional VBS.

All four titles have been recently revised with original illustrations and graphics for classroom visuals and promotional materials, along with improved lesson format, including easy-to-see prompts for the use of visuals and easy-to-follow teaching instructions. Lesson concepts are also more clearly explained, and the application sections have been expanded and improved. In addition, brand new Student Projects guides children to help them remember and apply what they learn.

The Call of God
It is the duty of every human to respond to God in faith and belief, and yet, every person is dependent on the work of God in redemption.

Things Hidden
Exploring the Kingdom parables Jesus used in order to conceal the kingdom from those who doubted and explain it to those who would believe.

Wisdom Quest (formerly Wisdom Calls Aloud)
Once we are free from the fear of God’s wrath, our fear of Him is the beginning of gaining wisdom.

God Always Wins 
No matter individual circumstances and challenges, God’s sovereign wisdom, power, and purpose show the Greatness of God in Salvation.

What’s involved in planning and hosting a BYBC?

Click here for more information about the philosophy behind BYBC and for practical help in using the Truth78 BYBC materials.

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