Two Year Olds and Scary Things

For whatever reason, my 2-year-old grandson David, is afraid of owls—really afraid. His fear of owls has even started to cause nightmares. As far as his parents know, the only owls he's ever encountered have been in Winnie-the-Pooh and Kipper (not exactly your frightening kind of children's literature). You're only 2 years old and you already know that there are scary things out there—things that want to get you in the night! This brought to mind some important thoughts from Dr. Russell Moore. In his message, “No Longer Tossed To and Fro,” he states,
In order for our children to hear and understand the gospel...we do not need to hide from them the dark aspects that the Scripture tells us about. They already know that something is wrong with the universe.
Watch this video and see how he expounds on this statement starting at 34:30 .
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