Truth78 Speakers and Breakout Seminars

Truth78 Speakers and Breakout Seminars

Will the next generations trust Christ?

Will they stand firm in His truth?

The "From Childhood You Have Known" conference has been designed to inspire and equip parents and teachers to acquaint the next generation with the holy, life-giving, all-satisfying Word of God. 


Taking place October 18-19, the conference will feature messages from Albert Mohler, Bruce Ware, Ryan Fullerton, and David & Sally Michael.

Dr. R. Albert Mohler Jr. serves as president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. In addition to his presidential duties, Dr. Mohler hosts two programs: “The Briefing,” a daily analysis of news and events from a Christian worldview; and “Thinking in Public,” a series of conversations with the day’s leading thinkers. He also writes a popular blog and a regular commentary on moral, cultural and theological issues. 

Ryan Fullerton is the lead pastor of Immanuel Baptist Church in Louisville, Kentucky, co-author (with Brian Croft) of Pray for the Flock (Zondervan, forthcoming), and co-author (with Jim Orrick and Brian Payne) of How to Analyze a Text for Preaching (B&H, forthcoming). He is also a co-founder of the Immanuel Network. 

Dr. Bruce A. Ware has taught theology for over 30 years in several leading evangelical colleges and seminaries. Since 1998 Bruce has served at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville where he is the T. Rupert and Lucille Coleman Professor of Christian Theology and chairman of the Department of Christian Theology. He has written numerous books including his theology book for children, Big Truths for Young Hearts

David and Sally Michael have labored together in ministry with a strong commitment to casting vision and developing resources for the spiritual development of children in the home and at church. These resources reflect the passion for truth and the theological and doctrinal commitments that marked the ministry of John Piper, their pastor and ministry colleague for 33 years. These resources are now used in hundreds of churches worldwide through the ministry of Truth 78 which David and Sally co-founded in 1996.

Breakout Seminars

In addition to these plenary messages, practical breakout seminars will highlight and help implement biblical literacy in homes and churches. Attendees can choose from the following options for the two breakout seminar times:

Options for Breakout Seminar 1

  • Pastoral Leadership and Oversight of Christian Education  David Michael
    Some of the most conservative estimates suggest more than half of the young adults who have grown up in the church not only leave the church but forsake the Christian faith altogether. This alarming trend has occurred at a time when churches are spending more than ever on programs and resources for children and youth. Many of these churches lack any plan for systematic and comprehensive instruction of their children in that truth. Research from George Barna found that most pastors, ministry leaders, and parents are unaware of what their children are learning about God and have no measures for discerning or monitoring their spiritual growth. This seminar offers helpful insights and strategies for church leaders and parents that can facilitate the faithful and intentional instruction of children and youth in church and at home.
  • Teaching Youth and Engaging their Hearts  Sally Michael
    Dispelling the myth that adults can’t “relate” to youth, this seminar focuses on the God-given role one generation has to mentor the following generation by providing instruction on teaching youth and engaging their hearts. This seminar provides philosophy and practical strategies for teaching, preparing and leading discussions, asking good questions, and encouraging spiritual growth through application and personal encouragement.
  • Training Children Towards Biblical Literacy  Jill Nelson
    Our children and students need a thorough knowledge of the Bible. This involves both a grasp of the breadth and depth of Scripture as well as the essential tools needed for rightly studying, interpreting, and applying Scripture. This seminar will present age-related goals and practical tips for achieving biblical literacy in the classroom and at home.
  • The Power of the Memorized Word  Brian Eaton 
    Believers have access to the most powerful weapon to fight the fight of faith—the Word of God. Learn how you can wield the sword of the Spirit and lift the shield of faith in everyday situations fueled by the discipline of Bible memorization. You will hear a personal testimony of the fight of faith and receive practical tools to initiate and sustain churches, families, and individuals to prepare for the battle, putting on the full armor of God, through Bible memorization.
  • Family Devotions Matter  Steve Watters 
    Family devotions can be a significant means for influencing children’s spiritual development, but parents are often hindered by competing demands on their time and energy. This seminar provides encouragement and practical steps for overcoming challenges in order to have a regular and fruitful time of formal biblical instruction in the home.
  • Introduction to Truth78 Curriculum and Sequence  Holly Urbanski 
    Puzzled by the components of the Truth78 curriculum and how all the pieces fit together? Learn how the curriculum sequence intentionally builds towards theological understanding and spiritual growth. Explore how the curriculum methodology and components work together for greater student understanding through effective implementation.

Options for Breakout Seminar 2

  • Christ-centered Parenting  David and Sally Michael 
    Christian parents are "builders" (1 Cor. 3:10) called to lay beneath our children a biblical and spiritual foundation for their lives. This seminar is designed to inspire, encourage, and equip parents to “build” with vision and care, and offer biblical insights and practical strategies for parents and church leaders as they pursue the joy of the next generation together for the glory of Christ.
  • Gospel-faithfulness in the Classroom  Jill Nelson
    As teachers and classroom volunteers, our goal should be to highlight the gospel in our classrooms. But what does this actually look like? Does every lesson need to make a “beeline” to the cross and end with an invitation to trust Jesus? This seminar aims to clarify the importance of giving children a gospel “alphabet” of essential truths in order to build a strong and deep foundation for understanding the gospel.
  • Reaching the Heart - The Importance of Application  Brian Eaton 
    Teaching the Bible to children goes beyond imparting knowledge to leading children to “taste and see that the LORD is good!” How can we teach in such a way that children understand how to act on the Word of God? This seminar emphasizes practical strategies for reaching the heart when teaching children. Though only God can open blind eyes and soften hard hearts, we can be His means of grace to the children that we teach so that they might say with Job, “I had heard of you by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees you.” (Job 42:5)
  • Elementary Lesson Preparation and Presentation  Jo Ann Dinsmore and Kate Britton 
    Teaching children is a privilege from God. Teaching them well is dependent on heart preparation, studying the lesson before teaching, and effective presentation. This seminar includes ideas for organizing your preparation, structuring your teaching time, and encouraging student understanding. Both new and seasoned teachers can benefit from this seminar.
  • Recruiting, Training, Equipping Volunteers  Mary Steele 
    How can you turn recruiting from headache to joy? How can you see greater retention of current volunteers from year to year? What does the Bible have to say about recruiting? This seminar seeks to answer these questions and more for leaders in children’s ministry and beyond. We will look at a number of time-tested and biblical lessons learned for recruiting and retaining volunteers.
  • Preschool Teaching  Holly Urbanski 
    What do you do with preschoolers in church? Can you really teach them the Bible or should you just let them play? In this seminar, we will share a philosophy of preschool ministry that will challenge you to use these years to introduce them to spiritual truth. Holly will also walk through the elements of the Truth78 preschool curriculum, focusing on a practical approach to teaching the Bible and structuring preschool classroom time.


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