Transferring the Baton of Faith

Transferring the Baton of Faith

As parents, we pass along many things to our children, both intentionally and unintentionally–physical traits, mannerisms, values, family traditions, hobbies, and more. But are you intentionally and whole-heartedly passing on to them what is most important?

Christians parent with one eye on eternity. Their children will live forever. This is a staggering thought…Therefore, the Christian does not parent for this life only. The believing parent labors to prepare each child for the day of judgment. The stakes are inexpressibly high…  

Christian parents have one goal during this short window of opportunity. It is to transfer the baton of faith in Christ to the next generation. Victory does not always go to the fastest four-hundred-meter relay team. It goes to the team that most efficiently transfers the baton. No matter how fast the runners, if the transfer is slow and clumsy, the team will probably lose. In the same way, parents prepare their children for the day of judgment by transferring their faith, values, purposes, self-discipline, and motivations to their children.

(William P. Farley, God-Powered Parenting: How the Gospel Shapes and Transforms Parenting, ©2009, page 41)

Parents: Have you carefully considered how you will transfer the baton of faith to your children in a way that is authentic, appealing, engaging, and persistent? Grandparents: How are you helping and assisting your children in this great and difficult endeavor? What is one thing you could do this summer to help nurture the faith of your grandchildren? Church leaders: Are you coming alongside parents to equip, train, assist, and encourage them in their parenting? Do the parents of your church feel loved and supported, or is it assumed that parents need to “figure it out on their own”? What is one thing your church could do to assist parents in passing the baton of faith on to their children?

One thing that can assist parents and the church in this is to read and recommend some great parenting resources. Here are some of Truth78’s favorite parenting books:

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