The Warning and Comfort of a Jealous God

ID-100155735 Recently I have been working on revising a curriculum titled The ABCs of God. As I was working on the lesson that teaches the attribute “jealous,” I came across this heart-rending, hope-giving quote from John Piper: I urge you to listen to this warning. The jealousy of God for your undivided love and devotion will always have the last say. Whatever lures your affections away from God with deceptive attraction will come back to strip you bare and cut you in pieces. It is a horrifying thing to use your God-given life to commit adultery against the Almighty. But for those of you who have been truly united to Christ and who keep your vows to forsake all others and cleave only to him and live for his honor—for you the jealousy of God is a great comfort and a great hope. Since God is infinitely jealous for the honor of his name, anything and anybody who threatens the good of his faithful wife will be opposed with divine omnipotence. (from a sermon titled, “The Lord Whose Name Is Jealous,” ©2014 Desiring God Foundation, Website:  

(Image courtesy of Artur84 at

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