The Holy Responsibility of Parents

The Holy Responsibility of Parents

As parents, sometimes we think primarily of our local churchand its services, classes, and programs—as the main educator and nurturer of our children’s faith. Yes, we need the church. Our children need to see God’s people living in Gospel community with one another. They need to see and understand the benefits and responsibilities of church life: participating in corporate worship, heeding the preaching of the Word, giving, the ordinances, mission endeavors, etc. As parents we must prioritize bringing our children to the Sunday gathering and other important church ministries. But here is a very important reminder from R. C. Sproul:

I don’t think there’s a mandate to be found in sacred Scripture that is more solemn than this one. That we are to teach our children the truth of God’s Word is a sacred, holy responsibility that God gives to His people. And it’s not something that is to be done only one day a week in Sunday school. We can’t abdicate the responsibility to the church. The primary responsibility for the education of children according to Scripture is the family, the parents. And what is commanded is the passing on of tradition.

(From, “The Most Solemn Mandate in the Bible for Parents”,

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