The Greatest Treasure Available as a Poster Set

The Greatest Treasure Available as a Poster Set

At Truth78 we love getting feedback from our ministry partners and customers. It helps us to more effectively serve the larger church body and parents in nurturing the faith of the next generations. Recently, we received a terrific idea from someone who had purchased The Greatest Treasure mini booklet: Why not create a poster set based on each 2-page layout from the booklet? These [posters] would be a wonderful resource for classrooms. Our team all agreed that this was an excellent idea and quickly went to work on the project. We are pleased to announce that The Greatest Treasure Poster Set is now available.

This poster set:

  • Includes 12 full color, 12”x 18” sized posters
  • Features 10 essential truths of the gospel, selected Scriptures, and a “What does this mean for you?” statement for each truth

How might this poster set be used?

  • At home, display a new poster every day (or one per week). Review, explain, and discuss each truth and accompanying Scriptures. Talk about the “What does this mean for you?” question and use it as a springboard for prayer and further spiritual discussion.
  • Tape the posters in order on the wall of your Sunday school classrooms. Use them as a review tool for teaching and reminding children about the essential truths of the gospel message.
  • During Bible lessons, point to one or more specific essential truths that are evident in the lesson so that students see how each particular truth statement connects to the whole gospel. For example, in teaching from Genesis about God sending the flood and His saving provision of an ark for Noah and his family you could point to the following posters:
    • 4 Man is sinful.
    • 5 God is just and is right to punish sin.
    • 6 God is merciful. He is kind to undeserving sinners.
    This will serve to reinforce the fact that gospel truth is revealed through the entirety of Scripture and that each individual truth is a crucial part of the entire message of God’s saving work.
  • Use them for review games like these:
    • Tape the posters in order, face side toward the wall. Divide the class into two teams. Call on a team to correctly recall and recite the first truth. If they can do this, choose a team member to come and turn the poster over, and then give that team one point. If the team fails to correctly recall the truth, turn the poster over and subtract a point from that team. Repeat in the same manner with the next team until all the posters have been revealed. Once the children have mastered this, add to the difficultly level by having them also recall the “What does this mean for me?” statement from each.
    • Create puzzles from each poster – Cut each poster into several interesting-shaped pieces (the older the students, the more pieces). Place each puzzle into a large envelope or plastic storage bag. Distribute the puzzles up among the students. Have them put the puzzles together as quickly as possible. Then, starting with poster 1, call on the students to read aloud the words on their completed puzzle. To make the activity more challenging, combine one or more poster puzzle pieces into one envelope or bag. Divide the class into teams and have them race to see who can put their puzzles together the fastest. When finished, have them read the completed puzzles aloud to the class, in order.

These are just a few ideas to get you started. If you have other creative suggestions, we’d love to hear from you! 


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