Taming the Covet Monster + Free Family Devotional

ID-10054920 Lately, I’ve half-jokingly pondered writing a children’s book on coveting…specifically as I have watched my 3-year-old grandson. His parents are hard at work trying to battle the “covet monster” in him. But in thinking about writing a book for this little covet monster, I would have to admit that his grandma has the same problem—surprise, surprise! Good news! You don’t have to wait for an imaginary, not-yet-written book. Here is a free family devotional on the subject by Sally Michael based on her curriculum The Righteous Shall Live By Faith. The devotional includes the following elements:
  • Lesson summary
  • Portions from the Westminster Larger Catechism
  • 5 short daily devotions with Scripture readings and discussion questions
  • Suggestions for family activities that reinforce the lesson themes
Download the devotional here. Also, you may be interested in purchasing the entire devotional for The Righteous Shall Live by Faith: A Study for Children and Adults on the Ten Commandments available here.  

 (Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net.)

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