
Discipling Boys and Girls in an Age of Confusion
Five years ago, I never could have imagined this scenario: My young grandchildren going to an extended family gathering, which included a “transgender” woman (a biological woman who identifies as...
Discipling Boys and Girls in an Age of Confusion
Five years ago, I never could have imagined this scenario: My young grandchildren going to an extended family gathering, which included a “transgender” woman (a biological woman who identifies as...

Recruiting Volunteers for Eternal, Kingdom Work
I can still remember cringing when I heard this announcement from the pulpit one Sunday morning long ago: We need more workers for children’s Sunday school. If you’re interested, there...
Recruiting Volunteers for Eternal, Kingdom Work
I can still remember cringing when I heard this announcement from the pulpit one Sunday morning long ago: We need more workers for children’s Sunday school. If you’re interested, there...

Newly Revised—Fight the Good Fight!
Do your children and students understand the meaning and significance of this text? Do they grasp how it daily applies to the Christian life? Fight the good fight of the...
Newly Revised—Fight the Good Fight!
Do your children and students understand the meaning and significance of this text? Do they grasp how it daily applies to the Christian life? Fight the good fight of the...

Training Children to Study the Bible
At Truth78, we talk a lot about the need for “biblical literacy” for the next generation. But biblical literacy is more than just acquainting children with as much of the biblical...
Training Children to Study the Bible
At Truth78, we talk a lot about the need for “biblical literacy” for the next generation. But biblical literacy is more than just acquainting children with as much of the biblical...

What Youth Really Need
Some of the most unusual church experiences I’ve ever encountered took place within the context of youth ministry—wacky games and activities, students playing foosball during the Sunday school hour, edgy...
What Youth Really Need
Some of the most unusual church experiences I’ve ever encountered took place within the context of youth ministry—wacky games and activities, students playing foosball during the Sunday school hour, edgy...

7 Questions for Evaluating Bible Story Resource...
Years ago I watched a movie that, in a sense, took my breath away. It had beautiful imagery and a storyline that gripped your heart and swept you into the...
7 Questions for Evaluating Bible Story Resource...
Years ago I watched a movie that, in a sense, took my breath away. It had beautiful imagery and a storyline that gripped your heart and swept you into the...