
Gearing Up for Fall, Step 5—Prepare Parents and Students for the Coming Year

Gearing Up for Fall, Step 5—Prepare Parents and...

Jill Nelson

“Be prepared”—the old scouting motto—is a good one. The more adequately we prepare for something, the better we are able to thrive and adapt if necessary. This is especially true...

Gearing Up for Fall, Step 5—Prepare Parents and...

Jill Nelson

“Be prepared”—the old scouting motto—is a good one. The more adequately we prepare for something, the better we are able to thrive and adapt if necessary. This is especially true...

Gearing Up for Fall, Step 4—Recruiting and Equipping Volunteers for Great Kingdom Work

Gearing Up for Fall, Step 4—Recruiting and Equi...

Jill Nelson

Recruiting volunteers for children’s and youth ministry has always been challenging, even downright difficult. This year, there is an additional hurdle: Many faithful volunteers had their service completely upended this...

Gearing Up for Fall, Step 4—Recruiting and Equi...

Jill Nelson

Recruiting volunteers for children’s and youth ministry has always been challenging, even downright difficult. This year, there is an additional hurdle: Many faithful volunteers had their service completely upended this...

Gearing Up for Fall, Step 3—Choosing Truth78 Resources for Church and Home (Questions and Answers)

Gearing Up for Fall, Step 3—Choosing Truth78 Re...

Jill Nelson

Which particular Truth78 resources will be the best fit for your church and home? Although, we can’t factor in all of your specific variables for the coming year, here is...

Gearing Up for Fall, Step 3—Choosing Truth78 Re...

Jill Nelson

Which particular Truth78 resources will be the best fit for your church and home? Although, we can’t factor in all of your specific variables for the coming year, here is...

Gearing Up for Fall, Step 2—Develop Programs for the Comprehensive Discipleship of Children and Youth

Gearing Up for Fall, Step 2—Develop Programs fo...

Jill Nelson

This coming year, there is no “one size fits all” regarding programming and resources for churches and homes. Some churches will be offering in-person classes. Will there be additional midweek...

Gearing Up for Fall, Step 2—Develop Programs fo...

Jill Nelson

This coming year, there is no “one size fits all” regarding programming and resources for churches and homes. Some churches will be offering in-person classes. Will there be additional midweek...

Gearing Up for Fall, Step 1—Embrace and Communicate a Compelling Vision

Gearing Up for Fall, Step 1—Embrace and Communi...

Jill Nelson

Most of us are entering a type of “road construction” season with regard to children’s and youth ministry. Challenges abound. That is why it is so important to begin this...

Gearing Up for Fall, Step 1—Embrace and Communi...

Jill Nelson

Most of us are entering a type of “road construction” season with regard to children’s and youth ministry. Challenges abound. That is why it is so important to begin this...

“Failure Is Not an Option”—Keeping the Goal Front and Center this Coming School Year

“Failure Is Not an Option”—Keeping the Goal Fro...

Jill Nelson

It’s now mid-July, and we still don’t know what the fall may bring. Cancel everything? Press on as usual? Take the resources we have and configure them in a new...

“Failure Is Not an Option”—Keeping the Goal Fro...

Jill Nelson

It’s now mid-July, and we still don’t know what the fall may bring. Cancel everything? Press on as usual? Take the resources we have and configure them in a new...