Support Bright Hope Through International Translation

Support Bright Hope Through International Translation

Truth78 has four dedicated staff members who work on the international side of our ministry. Almost all of our efforts outside the English-speaking world are funded through the generosity of our financial partners. Resources are translated by native speakers who partner with us, and then digital downloads are offered on our website free of charge.

Our team also pursues publishing and ministry partnerships to print and distribute priority resources. These networks help us reach more churches and families, not only with resources, but with vision-casting and training opportunities. Resources are currently available in 38 languages (25 of those in digital format) with more to come. If you're interested in receiving updates on global discipleship and translation developments, sign up here.

Ruben Del Ré is the director for Argentine Bible Society. Listen to what he says about the blessing of our partnership. The gratitude to God is mutual, and we give thanks for this dear brother. 

Generous financial partnership allows us to translate resources and join with ministries around the world to distribute them to maximize, as Ruben said, "great opportunities for collaboration in discipleship for the joy of the next generation."

As the year comes to a close, would you consider a financial gift to help us finish strong and on budget? 

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