Summer Through Customer Service Eyes

Summer Through Customer Service Eyes  

Our customer service team delights in partnering with our customers in ministry. We (Holly Urbanski, Suzy Plocher, and Lori Myers) all agree that we have the best customers in the world. As we reflect on the last few months, we are thanking the Lord for a sweet partnership between Children Desiring God and the churches and individuals with whom we interact. We can honestly say that our customers are by far the nicest, most understanding, and most patient we've ever encountered. And this is saying a lot, especially from Lori who has worked in several other customer service positions at various kinds of companies. We love coming to work and anticipating who God will have us talk with and how we can help them.

It is a delight to hear what God is doing in various ministries throughout the U.S. and around the world. How enjoyable it has been to talk with people from so many places, and to interact via email with people in Japan, Australia, Romania, Scotland, Burundi, Bolivia, and other countries. We have enjoyed sharing helpful suggestions on how to use the curriculum and talking with customers about what is best to order for their size church and combinations of age groups or grades. We are glad to be able to help them brainstorm solutions depending on various needs that arise. Recently we were delighted to be able to assist some customers who lost curriculum materials in the terrible flooding in the southern United States and areas effected by Hurricane Matthew. We feel strongly that part of our ministry at Children Desiring God is praying for those using the materials.

It is a privilege and an honor to serve the Lord by partnering with and assisting His church worldwide with the building up of the body through Fighter Verses and teaching the next generation to set their hope in God through curriculum or family devotionals. The sweetest part has been praying with and for the needs of our customers/partners in ministry. May God grant grace for us all as we work together for His glory and the growth of His children.

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