Summer Sunday School for All!

Summer Sunday School for All!

Are you aware that Truth78 has two wonderful curriculum options for summer Sunday school? And did you know that they have been intentionally designed to include ages 6 years old through adulthood?

Lord, Teach Us to Pray is a study for children and adults on the Lord’s Prayer.

The Righteous Shall Live by Faith is a study for children and adults on the Ten Commandments.

While either of these 13-week curricula can be easily adapted for use in a class for children only, there are many benefits to having an intergenerational class.  As Sally Michael explains,

I think God’s intent for the generations is that we should bless one another, support one another, encourage one another, and enrich each other’s lives.

Intergenerational doesn’t mean dumbing down material so that children can understand it but the adults are bored. But it also doesn’t mean teaching a normal adult class with the hope that the children present may get a tidbit.

True intergenerational teaching conscientiously takes into account that there are learners of different ages and experiences present in the classroom and seeks to teach the hearts of all of them. It’s beneficial to the adults and to the children because the uniqueness of the situation provides some opportunities for both generations to understand the material differently and to benefit from a different perspective.

A positive experience in an intergenerational class can encourage a dad who has never led a family devotional time to launch out at home in bringing the Word to his family.

In her seminar, “Intergenerational Teaching: Why and How?” Sally shares these and other benefits of an intergenerational teach model:

Relational. It can remove barriers between age groups and provide an opportunity to be the church—a united body of believers.

Cognitive. Children can think outside the box and provide different perspectives for the adults, as well as ask questions that adults never think of or are reluctant to ask. This helps bring insight and understanding to the material for all ages.

Conversational. Good intergeneration learning experiences can open communication between adults and children and prompt engaging spiritual conversations.

Emotional. Little children can remind adults to learn with their hearts as well as with their heads.

Simplicity. Adults can get caught up in fine tuning theological points, and children can help remind them of the important, basic truths, like Jesus died for sinners and that we should love one another.

Application and Response. Seeing the eager acceptance and concrete responses of children is a wonderful way in which adults can be challenged to respond in obedience and faith to the truth.

For more inspiration and practical help on how to teach our intergenerational curriculum, you can listen to Sally’s seminar.

Listen Now: Intergenerational Teaching: Why and How?

Download: Handouts


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