Striving side by side for the faith of the next generation

Striving side by side for the faith of the next generation

Now, more than ever before, partnership for the comprehensive discipleship of the next generation matters. 

The Apostle Paul was no stranger to a global challenge of making the gospel known. He also understood that, by the grace of God, this mission could be accomplished in partnership with God’s people. There was no group of people he experienced this partnership with more than those in the church at Philippi (Philippians 4:15). In Philippians 1:27, Paul told the church of his anticipation, whether he was with them or not, that they would strive “side by side for the faith of the gospel” (1:27). As much as it may have mattered for Paul and his Philippian brothers and sisters to be together, the advancement of the gospel mattered more. Even though they could not be physically side-by-side, they could still press on in the good work that God had for them knowing that they were "standing firm in one spirit, with one mind."

These words from Paul are a beautiful reminder of what we envision for Truth78. We are excited about the discipleship impact we could have on our world over the next several months and years, but this would be completely out of reach apart from God’s people coming together in the strength that He provides, striving side-by-side. Challenging, equipping, and inspiring the Church worldwide by providing resources that can effectively support a mission of comprehensive discipleship is way beyond the capacity of Truth78. However, what we could never do on our own, I believe we can do together with the Lord's help.

It is my great hope that you will join us on Thursday, October 29 for an event we're calling "Side by Side for the Faith of the Next Generation," an evening designed to share the growth and progress of this ministry, as well as the opportunities still before us. When we first started planning this ministry impact event, we really hoped we could be together in the same room, sharing dessert and coffee, and being renewed in our zeal for the biblical vision for the next generation. While we will miss the opportunity to connect in person, the Truth78 staff and friends are excited to invite you to our first-ever online event. 

The online format allows us to extend to a broader audience an evening with special guests Jon Bloom (Desiring God Co-Founder), Suresh Singh (Truth78 Chief Translation Consultant), Bill Kesting (Truth78 Chairman of the Board), along with me, and other guests. 

It is also our joy to provide some gathering gifts along with your event registration, including:

  • a code for $10 off Truth78 discipleship resources
  • special giveaways during the event

Come celebrate with us, hear stories of impact from those who are actively pursuing the faith and everlasting joy of the next generation, and be encouraged in our shared mission. We hope you'll join us and be spurred on in this good work, learn practical ways we can continue to partner together, and commit to labor with us so that the next generation would set their hope in God. I can hardly wait to gather with you.



Consider inviting friends to join us for this event. The image below is available for you to download and share.

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