Singing Hope Over Your Children

Singing Hope Over Your Children

Last year, I wrote about the importance of singing truth over children (Read here). Since that time, the turmoil in this world seems to be going on a fast tract. We’ve seen more disease, disasters, outrage, destruction, despair, and death—all ingredients that can, if left unchecked, bring forth hopelessness. Various studies and articles have now been published regarding the emotional toll all of this has taken on children and youth (and also their parents). That is why it is so crucial that we sing clear, biblical, unshakeable HOPE over our children. 

What is our hope in life and death?

Christ alone, Christ alone.

What is our only confidence?

That our souls to Him belong.

Who holds our days within His hand?

What comes, apart from His command?

And what will keep us to the end?

The love of Christ, in which we stand.

O sing hallelujah!

Our hope springs eternal;

O sing hallelujah!

Now and ever we confess

Christ our hope in life and death.

These words are from the hymn, “Christ Our Hope In Life and Death” (words and music by Keith Getty, Matt Boswell, Jordan Kauflin, Matt Merker, and Matt Papa). This hymn has ministered to me more in the past months than any other. It daily fuels my weary soul with unshakeable HOPE. Consider learning it together as a family. Sing it over your younger children. Encourage your older children to sing along with you. Imagine how the words and tune might daily remind your children that, no matter what is happening in the world around us, Christ is our only hope. That is why, for those who trust in Him alone, we can say with joy, “Our hope springs eternal”!

You can learn more about the hymn here and here is the official video.

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