Show God's Greatness So Children May Come Worship Him

Show God's Greatness So Children May Come Worship Him

God displays His power so that man might see His greatness. When we truly see the greatness of God, our response should be worship. That is what the newly revised God Always Wins curriculum for VBS and Backyard Bible Club is all about—showing the greatness of God so that children may come to worship Him.

One way in which God shows His greatness is that He never loses at anything. GOD ALWAYS WINS! No king, no army, no god, not even His greatest enemy, Satan, can oppose God and win. What a powerful and awesome God He is!

How foolish it is to oppose a God who cannot lose, and yet that is what sinful people do. They fight against God and place other things rather than God in first place in their life. To sinful people, the things of this world are more important than God.

But praise be to God, He wins over the most stubborn heart. If God is calling someone to Himself, God will win the battle. This is the glorious message and hope of the gospel. The God who calls people to Himself will Himself win over stubborn and rebellious hearts and make a people for Himself to dwell in heaven.

After showing God’s victory in different situations, children are confronted with the question, “Whose side are you on?” The ominous warning from Matthew 12:30a—”Whoever is not with me is against me...” confronts children with the reality that they are either trusting in God or fighting against Him.

God Always Wins contains five lessons showing God’s power over all things, complete with colorful visuals and application questions. Optional activities include games, worksheets, and a student project featuring a trophy case that can be worked on throughout the duration of the curriculum.


  • God’s victory over Pharaoh and other kings
  • God’s victory over the prophets of Baal
  • Jesus’ victory on the cross
  • Jesus’ victorious return
  • Parable of the wedding feast

To assist leaders in discussing the gospel at a deeper level with the children they interact with, the booklet Helping Children to Understand the Gospel is included in the kit. 


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