Sharing the Good News of Great Joy with Your Family

Sharing the Good News of Great Joy with Your Family

Are you looking for an easy but meaningful way to help the children in your life better focus on Jesus this Christmas? Do you long for them to grow in their understanding of the events surrounding His birth? Is it your desire that faith in Christ would be fostered and strengthened? Do you want them to be inspired to truly worship the Savior, Christ the Lord?

We would love to offer your family a small gift toward pursuing these goals, two Christmas related chapters from Sally Michael’s book More Than a Story: New Testament:

“God Speaks and Sends Good News!”

“Good News of Great Joy!”

Each chapter clearly communicates and explains important events and biblical themes surrounding Jesus’ birth. Furthermore, the chapters are written in a child-friendly, interactive manner to engage children’s minds and hearts—prompting spiritual discussion and opportunities for personal response, prayer, and worship. In other words, this is a wonderful devotional resource for the whole family to enjoy!


Bonus: Get free coloring pages from More Than a Story: New Testament, including Simeon prophesying over Jesus.


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