Savior and Spirit Dependent Parenting

Children Desiring God Blog // Savior and Spirit Dependent Parenting Do you ever feel weak and discouraged in your parenting? Have you “lost it” recently in front of your children? Have you treated them harshly or been impatient with them—even over a relatively little offense? Then here are some good words to ponder:

My children’s greatest need is not a parent who pretends to be perfect. Much more important is a parent who senses his need for the Savior to cleanse and the Spirit to empower. The godliest parent is the one who says, “When I am weak, then I am strong” (2 Corinthians 12:10).

…If you do sin in your parenting, then you can give a genuine apology to your children. When I fail to love them, I can genuinely repent and ask their forgiveness. Children don’t need perfection [from their parents], but they thrive under humility, repentance, and forgiveness.

(Chap Bettis, The Disciple-Making Parent—A Comprehensive Guidebook for Raising Your Children to Love and Follow Jesus Christ, copyright©2016, page 53)

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