A Rock of Truth for Our Children…and Ourselves

A Rock of Truth for Our Children…and Ourselves

Back in early February of this year, I wrote a post titled, “God’s Providence—24 Bedrock Truths for Children.” Little did I know how timely that post would become for my own soul in the days ahead. Rock-solid truth from God’s Word is not simply something to teach and commend to our children, it is for all of us. My heart can become just as fearful, shaken, and anxious as any four-year-old at times. God’s eternal, unshakable, unchanging, almighty truth is the only sure foundation on which to stand—no matter what circumstances swirl around us or within us.

So whatever the current circumstances within your family and church—contented or frustrated, hopeful or despairing, corporate gathering or no gathering, Sunday school or no Sunday school—there is no time like the present, and no higher calling as a parent, than to teach and commend God’s truth to our children…and to ourselves. As to making this happen in our families, it could be something as simple as…

reading the Bible together for 10 minutes a day.

Over the course of the summer, those 10 minutes would add up to more than 15 solid hours of being immersed in the life-giving Word! Imagine what God, through the work of the Holy Spirit, might be pleased to do during that time!

Additionally, here are a few other ideas for giving your children a rock of truth in the coming months.

Summer also presents a wonderful opportunity to teach your children God’s truth through theologically rich hymns. 

So, as we move forward this summer during these uncertain times, put a rock of truth under your children—a rock of eternal hope and joy!

Matthew 7:24-25—[Jesus said,]Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock.”

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