Prayers for Children that Reflect the Greatness of God

Prayers for Children that Reflect the Greatness of God

I have to confess that, over the years, my prayers on behalf of my children and students have often been smaller in scope and weaker in depth than they should be. In part, this is the failure of my mind to more intentionally ground prayer in the powerful truths of Scripture, and the failure of my heart to truly and fully love and embrace these truths—eternal truths, such as the immeasurable greatness and worth of God. Truths that clearly communicate God’s purposes and promises for His people, enjoyed through Christ alone. Truths regarding the almighty power of the Holy Spirit to bring life, growth, and maturity in our children.

That is why I so appreciate the guidance of David Michael in his prayers for the next generation. Here is a new prayer from David. May it serve to encourage us all to pray big, bold, biblical prayers this week for the glory of God and the joy of the next generations.

Asking for God's Glory for the Sake of Our Children

Eternal Father,
Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and Your dominion endures throughout all generations. You sustain all who fall, and raise up all who are bowed down. You open Your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing. You are righteous in all Your ways and kind in all Your deeds. You are near to all who call upon You in truth and fulfill the desire of those who fear You. 

You give good things to those who ask. You know what we need even before we ask, and those who ask in faith will receive according to Your Word. And so, dear Father, we come asking for Your glory and for the sake of our children.

We ask that the mouths of our children will declare Your praise and bless Your holy name forever. Let their tongues speak of the glory of Your kingdom and make known Your mighty acts and the majesty of Your kingdom.

We ask that You give them a true knowledge of Yourself and call them according to Your own glory and excellence.

We ask You to satisfy them in the morning with Your lovingkindness, and let them behold your salvation, sing for joy, and be glad all their days.

In this dry and weary land, give them thirst for righteousness, comfort in Your mercy, and the refreshing streams of Your Spirit.

We ask You to give them eyes to see You, and the name that belongs to all Your children. 

Through the testimony of the Holy Spirit, we ask You to give them the assurance that they are children of God, and therefore heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ.

We ask You to make them the salt of the earth and the light of the world. 

We ask that their reward in heaven would be great and their lives on earth built on a rock so that they do not fall when the winds of adversity blow and beat against them. 

And Lord, we ask that Your fatherly help would come to all who are bringing them up in Your discipline and instruction so that Your Word and Your character and Your joy will be manifest in their lives

Apart from You, we can do nothing, but with Your power working in us more can happen for these children than all we ask or imagine. We ask You to do these things for their everlasting joy and for Your glory in the Church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. 



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